Presented by Top Security Professionals

at iFlock, FifthWall, and Auditwerx

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Ready to boost your cyber resilience? Join our upcoming webinar, "Cyber Resilience: AI, Incident Response, and Insurance," and learn why top leaders trust cyber liability insurance and incident response plans.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

  1. Risk Mitigation: Shield your finances from cyber threats.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Stay ahead of compliance demands.
  3. AI-Enhanced Response: Leverage AI for faster, smarter incident management

Hosted by iFlock Security Consulting in partnership with Auditwerx and FifthWall. Don’t miss this essential strategy: deep dive! 

.About the Speakers:

  • Barbara Butler, Senior Account Executive at iFlock
  • Andy Runyan, Cyber-liability Coach at FifthWall
  • Tim Cunningham, Senior Manager at Auditwerx

Learn more about protecting your business


Trust our seasoned professionals for vendor risk management, incident response, and risk prioritization. We’ve got your back!


FifthWall is a complete cyber insurance and risk management solution. Providing a comprehensive solution designed to address the varying levels of risk appetite in today’s cyber world.


We provide high-quality security attestation and advisory services. Our experienced audit team offers comprehensive reporting solutions that help you build trust with your clients.